Sunday, April 29, 2012


Okay... The "DUCK FACE". Ya'll prolly heard of it, seen it, shit.. some of you motherfuckers might have done it. For those who dont know what the "duck face" is...

Fuck this shit

Yes. That shit. What you're prolly thinking right about now is "shit, I thought that shit was cool". ITS NOT. If you're a dude and you do the "duck face", I'll assume that you also like to put blunt objects in your anus. A lot of dudes really get into that duck face zone. Like this mothafucka right here...

Remember the "peace sign" pose? 
What's worse???

This asian lesbian going HAM (hard as a mothafucka) on these deuces yo!

STOP. Stop doing that shit. It makes you look retarded. That shit aint cute. Some even instagram that shit like its gon be a better picture when you filter out the flaw. Are you serious? You should kill yourself if you instagrammed that shit son.


 I dont even know what to call that shit. That shit is way beyond retarded. I mean, what does that even mean? are you crying? are you a dog? That shit is just IRRELEVANT to anything. 
 So ladies, if you see a dude doing the "duck face", he prolly gay. If he does the peace sign, he prolly a homo. if he does the "idontevenknowwhattocallit", that mothafucka is a faggot. Fuck that shit. Ayt. PEACE!

Miss-TER Universe

Whattup? Lets get this shit started.

The most famous beauty pageant wherein the most beautiful woman in your country competes against the elite. Haven't watched the pageant in full cos for me it's kinda boring and what they wear is not even provocative. NO. ITS NOT. Even the swim wear is not appealing to dudes cos of the fact that its very conservative. But hey, its an elite pageant showcasing beauty and brains, so "sex selling" is not their concern. But that's besides the point yo. What IS FUCKED UP is that transexuals want to be a part of the pageant. I mean what the fuck? right? it will be humiliating for a country (Whattup Thailand?) that their representative, the most beautiful chic they got, used to be a MAN. Damn. They prolly gonna be banned  or or blacklisted in the UN n shit. North Korea even prolly gonna point their nukes on 'em n blow them the fuck up. Those middle east mothafuckas prolly gon wife them tho... But straight up, these lady boys need to get the fuck outta here yo. for real, for real. I have nothing against homos and transgenders but if they get it through their heads that they can rep Ms Universe... They have to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE. 

Friday, April 27, 2012



Skinny jeans. I'm like, really?? really?? REALLY??!!! I think that was cool way back prolly in the 80s? Back in the day wherein people used to apply spraynet on their hair and facepaint on dudes. Then all of a sudden a lot of dudes been rocking them tight ass jeans going to the mall, hitting the clubs and even rapping(Im looking at you LIL WAYNE). I mean they look good on females.. but dudes tho... Damn. Im not saying wearing street-sweeper pants and baggy jeans is better but I dunno. We also got these dudes rocking them pants with those high-cut astronaut shoes and snapbacks. What? Ya'll tryna be Justin Beiber? Please let me know. Cos if identity crisis is a person.. he'd prolly look like skinny jean type dudes. I guess what im trying to say is that if you're a dude and you like, no.. LOVE to wear skinny tight jeans, I'm gonna assume that you also like to put blunt objects in your anus. Ayt. PEACE.

Thursday, April 26, 2012



First off lemme just say that this is my first time EVER to write a blog. Im not a writer and I dont have a desire or dream to someday write a novel or some shit like that. I just think that twitter and facebook is not enough for me to speak my mind. That moment when you're into tweeting but that shit has a limitation ruins my RANT momentum. FUCK THAT. And damn those trending topics in twitter #thatawkwardmoment, #changebandnamesto, #justinbeiber, SHUT THE FUCK UP. But those JB trends seem legit tho. That white girl got some crazy fans. But its all good tho. Anyway, as I've mentioned, this is my first time to do this so pardon me for this blog's lack of structure. I mean I still don't even know what to talk about. I'm just winging it. The hiphop scene seems to be getting serious attention and getting fans from pop to teen bop. All thanks to Drake, Wiz, J Cole, Lil Wayne, YMCMB mostly. I mean its good that they're getting hiphop recognized and all but... HIP-HOP is not pure anymore. It's like cocaine. Get that yeyo PURE. The normal type of dude cant afford that coke. They cant afford that uncut raw shit. It's the best. So in order to make money, what the dealers do is get that pure shit, break it down and turn it into crack or meth. And believe you me, that shit will sell. So you got these dudes that score the "poor man's cocaine" and they be high and shit. Same thing with REAL RAP MUSIC. You have that hardcore, real shit like Biggie, Nas, Pac... And then you have these new rappers who wanna sing instead of rap. And that's the shit that is MARKETABLE. Get it?