Sunday, April 29, 2012


Okay... The "DUCK FACE". Ya'll prolly heard of it, seen it, shit.. some of you motherfuckers might have done it. For those who dont know what the "duck face" is...

Fuck this shit

Yes. That shit. What you're prolly thinking right about now is "shit, I thought that shit was cool". ITS NOT. If you're a dude and you do the "duck face", I'll assume that you also like to put blunt objects in your anus. A lot of dudes really get into that duck face zone. Like this mothafucka right here...

Remember the "peace sign" pose? 
What's worse???

This asian lesbian going HAM (hard as a mothafucka) on these deuces yo!

STOP. Stop doing that shit. It makes you look retarded. That shit aint cute. Some even instagram that shit like its gon be a better picture when you filter out the flaw. Are you serious? You should kill yourself if you instagrammed that shit son.


 I dont even know what to call that shit. That shit is way beyond retarded. I mean, what does that even mean? are you crying? are you a dog? That shit is just IRRELEVANT to anything. 
 So ladies, if you see a dude doing the "duck face", he prolly gay. If he does the peace sign, he prolly a homo. if he does the "idontevenknowwhattocallit", that mothafucka is a faggot. Fuck that shit. Ayt. PEACE!

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